Case Study | Matchdog iOS


The image above is my friend Nicole at an animal shelter trying to find a dog to rescue. As she walked around the shelter she felt overwhelmed at how many dogs were in the shelter. How am I ever going to figure out which one is “the one”, when there’s that “click” when you know it’s a match.

Problem Statement

Many people go through a similar experience when trying to find a pet. When it comes to adopting a dog, the decision process can be long and extensive. But once the decision is made, the hard part should be over. The next step should be the easy part – the search for that “click”.


  • Provide for a delightful experience that brings fun to finding a pet.
  • To create a mobile experience for users to easily access and search for a dog to adopt.
  • Increase the likelihood of compatibility with user input and easily understood information of each dog.
  • Create an empathetic experience that evokes a response from the user to create a higher level of engagement.

Personas & User Stories

I started off the process with trying to understand what the motivations are to adopt an animal. I utilized my friend’s adoption story as a starting point. As with her, there can be a number of reasons as to why anyone would want to adopt an animal including: a person’s age, chapter of life, personal goals, companionship, and protection. After brainstorming, I created several personas that represent these possible reasons. I decided to elaborate on Allison’s user story and drew it into storyboard form.



Information Structure

I listed out the main tasks that users would need to do to start their canine search. The key objects and actions were then paired together and placed into a prioritization matrix where the tasks were prioritized based on the frequency of use and the volume of users. This process helped to create a basis for the content structure for the Matchdog application.

Concept Sketches

After organizing the content I started to sketch out screens for the app’s user flow. Below are sketches for the Match pathway that aims to match the user and the user’s dog to a dog within the database. Some inspiration came from dating apps where a person is romantically matched to another person based on their profile. Here, not only does the user have a profile but so does her dog. Therefore, a match may only be considered compatible if its a match between everyone. It’s almost like trying to find a dating match not only with the person but with their family members too (no pressure, of course).


After sketching out a few ideas I created a series of wireframe mockups for the Home page of the mobile app. Upon initial inspection of my first wireframes the design didn’t create that much of a punch. The design didn’t help me feel like I wanted to pull the trigger. To create a stronger impact I used only one dog image at the top as a single connection point. The Home page menu focuses more on the primary goal- finding dogs, while the secondary goals are placed in the slider menu.


Wireframe of the initial Matchdog home page

Matchdog wireframe menu

Wireframe of the initial Matchdog menu


For the prototype I needed to make changes to the wireframe to strengthen the user’s sense of ease and trust. Firstly, I had to change the way the app communicated with the user by creating a more relatable voice. The tone is from a 1st person’s point of view from your future dog that you have yet to meet: “Find me. I’m out there, you just have to look.” Secondly, I had to include content to add to the sense of trust that was lacking. Therefore, the service’s successes needed to be showcased, done so through a rotating banner at the bottom. Lastly I was able to enhance the easy and enjoyability factor by simplifying selections and adding different interaction types and filter methods: drag and drop, slider function, Lightbox effect.

Matchdog app prototype user profile general
Matchdog app prototype match to dog
Matchdog app prototype preferences filters
Matchdog app prototype breeds filters